Monday, January 25, 2010

more testing

now to try posting multiple pics, lets see how this goes....

This one is a testament to photoshop magic, was too large and I didnt have a proper backdrop at the time so I shot it on a tray supported on sand and had to remove the background.  turned out well I think.

Just did this one today, for some reason I just like it a lot.

This is fairly cool, I figured out how to photograph embossed glass, you put it on a sloped background and light it from above and behind so some bounces off the background through the glass.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

first post

just seeing how this works....I know im not in Ægypt yet but whatever...

here's a picture that I worked on this sunday, I shot it using an extremely ghetto-rigged table and lighting setup. the compass was held up w/ a toothpick that I took out in photoshop. the ghetto lighting situation also created some pretty funky colors in the background so I actually had to drop it into black and white, it works since the background was flat white anyway.